motivator360 - a superior 360 measuring process motivator360 - a superior 360 measuring process

Getting Started

A consultant meets with the company's executives to establish the program's goals and to develop a process that will result in a customized 360 evaluation. The company needs to decide who will be evaluated and who is qualified to rate them. It is important for raters to have personal knowledge of the current work performance of the people being evaluated. To achieve objectivity and confidentiality, at least three raters from peers and at least three raters from direct reports should be chosen.

Your consultant will assist with other important decisions that can customize your 360 survey to reliably meet your specific needs. Once those decisions have been made, the process and ground rules are communicated to all participants.

It is important to plan the feedback and coaching process for participants in advance. This feedback provides an opportunity to motivate participants to enhance skills to accomplish personal career objectives, as well as to achieve company goals.

For more information on utilizing a superior 360 process, contact PSP Metrics directly at 412-261-1333 or email

Getting Started...